Saturday, 25 May 2019

Mobile User Interface design methods for the future

In the recent times, User Interface design has been gaining importance and becoming a focus point in a wide range of industries.
With growing advancements in technology in various fields, ‘User Interface’ design (UI design) is now a huge industry where finding innovative ways of packaging, presenting and promoting technology is on high priority. Technology is both multifaceted and simple, efficient designing helps in bridging the information gap. Mobiles are the symbol of convenience. They can be with us all the time, small sized, offering touch screens and unlimited connectivity. In today’s digitalization, mobiles are the best option to host all kinds of websites, merchandises, shopping, online payments, entertainment and many more. At the same time today the world is in such a position where having these services on the phone is not satisfactory. They all are required to be designed with the special touch of user satisfaction.
Like most technology fields, Mobile User Interface designs are evolving fast, we have listed a few new trends to look out for in 2019:

  • Gesture-Based Interface
Smartphones growth has been tremendous since the launch of IBM’s ‘Simon’ in 1994. Over the last decade smartphone manufacturers have been working towards making the phones sleek and button less.  Over the years the giants in the mobile industry have abandoned the buttons, opting for infinity or edgeless glass screens. Where users can manipulate the screens by their touch.
This makes it necessary for your apps or website’s interface to have the ability to be manipulated with gestures like swiping, pinching, sliding across, down slide, up slide etc. Integrating high level of UI design supporting the gesture system into the company’s app or website will make it better optimized. Introducing the gesture system, will attract more and more users to use it and interact with it.  Gesture based interface system is going to be a huge player in the years to come.

  • Facial Recognition
Similar to gesture based integration, mobile companies have started introducing facial recognition as a special feature in their smartphones. Currently companies are promotion facial recognition as a gimmick to unlock phones. But how can apps and websites use it and create content to introduce facial recognition. There are a number of exciting and important applications like banking which can introduce facial recognition as an added measure of security for operating an online banking transaction. Instead of a pin, introducing facial recognition or finger print can be a successful security feature. Travel websites or airlines needing passport conformation, can also use facial recognition feature for identification. Introduction of facial recognition systems is growing fast, and in a year or two it will be everywhere.
AI Assistant
Apple surprised the world with Siri 2010. Very soon others followed, and the market was flooded with Samsung’s Bixby, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana and Google Assistant. It is a mind blowing technology, where you can just tell your phone what to do and the results are in front of you. Integrating personal assistants in the phones helps users to use them on a daily capacity.
As an app developer, the key elements to crack is how to develop a user interface which can be integrated and can connect with the device’s AI. This type of UI design will inspire embracing of PA AI. Develop apps which can be integrated with AIs and the users will be thrilled to use your apps.
Augmented Reality
Augmented reality, or AR, is one of the biggest tool in the User Interface design world. AR can be used in the operating systems of the new applications being developed, it can be very useful in creating the depth which designers are looking for.
Other than that, Augmented Realty can be very helpful in various complex fields, like urban development/architecture, allowing consumers to model clothes before ordering them online, or testing furniture in the living room before actual delivery. This kind of technology is being worked upon and it will work wonders in improving user interface.
Final Words
Mobile User Interface design is very crucial, it helps users in getting the most out of their devices and at the same time allowing developers to develop innovative ways for incorporating advanced technology.

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